Preben Fabricius Jorgen Kastholm Bird Chairs Kill, 1964


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Designer: Fabricius & Kastholm

Fabricius & Kastholm

The two Danish designers Preben Juhl Fabricius (1931-1984) and Jørgen Kastholm (1931-2007) met each other at the School of Interior Design where they both studied in the 1950s. But, it wasn’t until they both had gained some experience abroad that they met again in 1960 and agreed upon the design philosophy of; Perfection, Aesthetics and Minimization.  One year later, in 1961 they formed a partnership and founded an architect office. While Fabricius was an educated cabinetmaker, it was with Kastholm’s unique experience as a blacksmith that the obvious and usual choice of material would be steel.   Although the two designers have individually created some interesting pieces, it is in pair that they have achieved their greatest success. During the eight years of partnership they managed to create a wide selection of very high quality designs. The results were often minimalistic and functional designs in steel, glass and leather.  Since 2006, Lange Production has had the exclusive rights to manufacture a variety of Fabricius & Kastholm’s design collection. The furniture is produced at the original factory, and with the original tools as it was in the 1960s. The entire production has been carried out in close collaboration between Lange Production and Jørgen Kastholm, to preserve and respect the authenticity and high quality of these classic designs.

☑️ 주문 후 유럽에서 배송이 시작 됩니다 - (통상 항공의 경우 2주, 해상의 경우 2-4개월 - 항공 배송 옵션은 별도로 문의 주시면 안내 드립니다)

☑️ 고가 상품 (단품 500만원, 세트 800만원 기준) 의 경우 개별 소비세, 교육세, 농어촌특별세가 발생합니다.

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